Attack of the Danger Rock

Not that commuting 120Km a day to school isn’t fun enough… but today driving just got EVEN BETTER.

On my way home from a long day of school to put in an even longer night of work, I reached the usual highway construction area. There is about a 7Km strip of the highway were they are making “lane improvements.” However in order to make these improvements highway traffic needs to be stopped for hours and hours a day. These delays follow a schedule that changes at random… Not only this but, and I quote, “Because of the nature of the work including danger rock and safety issues – you may will be subject to longer closures without notice.” 

Ok, so I didn’t quote the construction company word for word, but i’ts better than giving the public a sense of false hope. Secondly, what is “danger rock?” Sometimes I think I would rather face this “danger rock” that sit in my car and watch a fat man ride a bulldozer for hours.

Rawr! Danger Rock!

Rawr! Danger Rock!

Stops often go 1/2 hour to 45 minutes longer than scheduled, making arriving on time near impossible. Unless of course, I wanted to arrive 3 hours early. Not only this but the stoppages make what would be a 45 – 50 minute trip into a 1 1/2 hour trip.

But, I cope. For one year… I have been coping. Until tonight.

Tonight there was a rockslide. I can only assume that the fat man in the bulldozer was too busy smoking a dart and checking out the totally unattractive sign lady when he drove straight into a pile of rock that shouldn’t have been driven into.

Good work out there!

Good work out there!

So here I am, sitting in my car debating if i should get a hotel room, drive half way to Vancouver to get home or hit the booze and sleep in my car.

I hope someone covered my shift…

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